Happy Life! - LOVE EVERY ONE SHARE It With Everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Happy life! - LOVE EVERY ONE SHARE it with everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sr Subject Matter Expert
See interview of Siva  Prasad

For What Are We Working?

We work hard and still only have just enough. This is the sad fact for many of us. People work their whole life just to earn enough to pay for a house, a car, clothes and food for their children. They cannot afford to travel, live and share their dream, because they don't have the time to discover their dream, their message. They must work so much just to earn enough for simple essentials.

Or for those who earn over and above their essentials, For What Are You Working?... Are you happy?...If yes, then congratulations.

If you are feeling stressed, sad or lonely this is perfectly natural given the world today. But if we give support to one another what could we possibly stress about? You could have access to everything you choose! There wouldn’t be any need to earn money to earn the right to have or use something, because we would all be sharing. Human beings are loving by nature, if you doubt this just look to young children, they naturally accept and love everyone. Do you remember when you thought the world of your parents when you were young? This is our natural state, you are love. The problem is we have become Adult-erated. Everyone has a unique gift to give, but we only see it when we let ourselves love them and look for it.

What more do any of us want than to be happy, to have a nice place to live and good food... to care for and provide the best for our children? We are one family.

I see people scared, holding onto houses, cars... and still they are not happy. If we share our resources we all have plenty. We give to our horses and cows land and food, but are afraid to give to each other these same things. When we share we all have plenty and there is no stress and can live a happy life. I Imagine a world where everyone feels safe, where everyone shares, where everyone is given in love for each other what they need, to do what calls them in their heart. A world of freedom, love and peace. The world now is divided with billions of people holding on to what they have and trying to get more. They say this is the way life is because they don't know any different. They hold back because they are scared. If we all share then, we each have the worlds resources, instead of approximately one 6 billionth. Please join with me brothers and sisters to share this message with people. They have forgotten, if we remind them... our brothers and sisters... of love, this world of sharing, we can live a happy life and a full life.

Dear brothers and sisters, where is the humanity?

My life has taught me that it is inside each of us, we need only to choose it. And with that decision, life will bring us the opportunities for us to live this humane life. We can all make it and create this world if we work together.

We must advertise these messages, they should be like McDonalds, KFC and Red Rooster, everywhere. Yet we advertise the material way of money, collecting many things we don't need, of killing each other in our movies and games. We can change the advertising to teach the Family way, of sharing, of love, of friendship. Imagine if we were brought up as children in this way, wouldn't it be beautiful. We must not be shy or scared to share.

I believe this is “Food for a Healthy Mind”

Lets be Hungry with Love

Not Hungry with Guns and Killing

Hungry with Good Natural Food

Not Hungry with Chemical Processed Poisoned Food

I don’t mean to hurt you or upset anyone with these words,

I mean to love you,

I mean to love everyone,

It doesn’t matter your position in society,

Whether a politician, or a factory worker,

You are all the same in my eyes

I love you all the same,

as my brothers and sisters.

We create our own poor,

What we see we create, our poor remain poor because they do not see riches and have not seen how to be rich. Love is riches, the world is experiencing a poor life whether they are materially rich or not, because we hold back our love and sharing. Though it works exactly the same for material life, if the rich share with the poor, the poor can learn to be rich too. It all comes down to love and sharing.

If we see rich we create rich, and can share with others, and they too become rich.

The Land is rich for everyone, the land is for everyone. The land gives to everyone, we take from everyone. If we see that the land is for everyone, the richer life is for everyone. Never stops does the land to give, it is the land that has abundance, it is we who feel lack. We rob the riches from each other by our fear. As the land gives to us, so to must we give to each other.

This message is for Today, and Everyday

A baby is born everyday, we must give them everyday a more pure richer and secure environment. This is your dream, this is my dream.

Live as a clenser of the world. We must all be like a baby, pure and purified to make this happen.

This is Everybody's Message, not just we who have written these words.

AN EXTRACT FROM THE WEBSITE : http://www.joesorganic.com.au/happy.htm

This One Really Moved me and would definatly share love with every one around me......
