Central Govt. is contemplating to introduce FOOD SECURITY BILL for the benefit of the Society. Presenting the Union Budget for 2010-11 in Lok Sabha, Hon’ble Finance Minister ,Shri.Pranab Mukherjee said, "Draft Food Security Bill will be placed in public domain." about the Food Security Bill. The Bill is a result of a promise in the Congress's election manifesto -- of a law guaranteeing nutritional security for all. It is understood that the Draft Bill proposes that the Centre will have the final word on both the number of people in each state living below the poverty line, based on planning commission estimates, and also on the quantum of food grains that is to be given to the vulnerable section. While the states have already distributed more than 10 crore BPL cards, the Centre's estimate of BPL families is way smaller, at 6.52 crore. The Central Government distributes food grains under the PDS in proportion to the figure the Planning Commission generates and not what states decide by survey along with the Rural Development Ministry.
According to a News Paper Report there is much variation in the Data on BPL Families.
It is understood that there are 6.52 crore BPL
Families in the country. It is however contradicted by Sate Govts. data with a figure of 11.12 crore Families.
It was mentioned that the Central Govt. has
allocated 276.77 Lakh Tonnes of Rice/Wheat to supply to 6.52 Lakh BPL Card
holders during 2009-10. We may require additional 160 lakh Tonnes of these Food
Grains to meet the supply to other Families as required by State Govts. That
means the total requirement will be to the tune of 436 Lakh Tonnes.
It is not understood why the Statistics of
Planning Commission and State Govts. do not match.
According to Shri.Suresh Tendulkar Committee
Report submitted in Dec, 2009 it was indicated that those people who spend less
than Rs.446.68 in Rural(Village) areas and Rs.576.8 in Urban areas are
categorized as below poverty line people as per 2004-05 prices. That means
there are 37.5% people under below poverty line in the country.
Human Development Report says that
It is seen from the Reports that the poverty line is not changing in spite of the measures taken by the Govt. It appers that the fruits are not reaching the deserved. In the recent times A.P Govt. has taken a drive to remove bogus white cards to check unauthorized holdings. White cards are issued to BPL Families. Similar steps should be taken by other State Govts. also. I think there is a need to effectively streamline the machinery and see that the poorer people get benefited. There is a need for political will also.
In order to improve the living standards of the community the Govt. should take measures to increase the agriculture production and modernize agro processing. The Govt. has taken concrete steps by allocating huge funds in Budget 2010-11 towards schemes like Mahatma Gandhi National Rural employment Guarentee scheme, Infrastructure Programs under Bharat Nirman, Backward Region Grant Fund and other development schemes. This will definitely generate considerable wage employment there by income generation to the poor.
Self employment is another area to think of by the youth by utilizing the opportunities provided by the Govt. Agro processing has good scope and will be heading for a faster growth in the years to come. Similarly infrastructure related sector is also having good potential to enter. There is good scope also for Rural Transport ventures as part of the supply chain. Similarly Service sector also has good scope in Rural sector suck as rural Marketing, Communication services, Electrical& Electronic Service Centers, Agriculture Implements Hiring Services Etc to name a few.