Know Your Value
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Know your Value

Assistant Manager

Know your Value

Hi Friends

Today I am going to discuss some common fact about our life.

First read the below story:

One upon a time a rich man went into the market to buy a parrot. The shopkeeper showed him two parrots. The rich man asked price for both. The shopkeeper told sir this parrot name is Gyani and his cost is Rs 1000/- and this is Dhyani and its cost is Rs 100/-

The rich man asked why there is so much difference in cost so much. The shopkeeper replied, " Sir! Gyani can read and speak so many business things and Dhyani can speak and read only a little bit and that’s why there is so much difference in price.

The rich person bought the both parrots. After many days he thought that let me check the quality of both.

He asked Gyani " Tell me the Zaa of 13". Gyani had given the correct reply. Then he asked the same question to Dhyani but Dhyani told Sir I know the Zaa up to 10 only.

Then the rich man asked one more question to both the parrots. Okay tells me who was Ram. Gyani replied Sir; Ram was a King of Ayodha and son of Raja Dhsrath and Khoslaya Devi. He had a big fight with Ravan the king of Lanka and won. He is treated like a God in India.

Then Dhyani replied Sir God Ram was a princess of Ayodha and they were four brothers. After death of his fathers his brother Bhrat became king instead of Ram. But Bharat never wears Kings thrown and always ruled like a representative of God Ram.

The rich man was very surprised with the answer and to know more he bought them to the shopkeeper.

He told the whole story to Shopkeeper. The Shopkeeper smiled and told

Dear, you are a businessman and for you money matter a lot and that’s why Gyani is costly for you but very useful. He knows the counting and business things very well. He knows the other things as well.

With regards to Dhyani, This parrot does not know more about the business things. He has a very limited knowledge and that’s why his cost to you is very less. But he knows many religious things even more than Gyani but its less useful for you.

In conclusion I can say that if the same parrots demanded by a saint then the cost would be reversed for both the parrots means for him Dhyani would be for Rs 1000/- and Gyani would be Rs. 100/-.

Now dear friends what is the mean of above story. The mean is very clear, might be today you are thinking that you are getting less because you are less qualified. But dear friends this is not the case might be you are on wrong place or the demand for you comes from a wrong person. It’s just a matter of time and luck. See in above story as well if a saint came instead of Businessman then what would be the price of Dhyani?

Look friends never ever think that you are not qualified and you do not deserve the top place. Some time you did not understand that what quality you have. It’s the shopkeeper (God) who knows about your quality because he has trained you.

So whenever you feel some negative thing then just go into the market and asked the shopkeeper the real value of you and please ask the reason in detail so that no further doubt you have in your mind.


Alok Sharma
