Energy, Power & God
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Energy, Power & God

Matter can be neither created nor destroyed. Similarly, energy can be neither created nor destroyed but transformed from one form to another. Stationary energy is Potential energy and moving energy is kinetic energy. Energy is omnipresent and omnipotent. Sun, Moon, Earth, Planets and all heavenly bodies revolve and rotate; otherwise they will fall and collapse. Electrons rotate in their orbits around the atom and the nucleus in the atom also rotates and vibrates. Today’s NMR scanner uses this energy of nucleus to scan human body. Who gave them energy to rotate and revolve? Is there any answer? As long as matter is there, energy is there. Anyone can name energy or power as God, yes, because of its omnipresence. Hindus personify energy as almighty and worship. What will be the repercussion one will get or don’t get when worshipped? Good or bad is decided by one’s deeds but not by prayers. If you sow paddy, corn won’t grow. Like a ball, what is thrown, same will return. So, be good, think good and do good. Good deeds bring happiness and ultimately keeps mind in peace. Peace and happiness are essence of life. Let us live happily in peace.
