Boost Your Self-Esteem
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Culture Exchange
May 2012 bring many opportunities to your way, explore every joy of life. Your resolutions for the days ahead stay firm, turning all your dreams into reality and all your efforts into great achievements. Fill your life with Happiness and Bright Cheer, Bring to you Joy and Prosperity for the whole year. A year with full of “Self –Esteem”  

 Do you know what the difference is between self-confidence and self-esteem? The difference is, you can fake confidence, but you cannot fake self-esteem. That's because Self-Esteem is, at your core, "how you feel about you"... it's kind of hard to fake that. In order to have genuine personal confidence, you must feel good about who you are. Now, we all have our ups and downs... so how do we really know if we lack Self-Esteem? Here are a few signs: Fear of Failure, Procrastination, Feeling Unfulfilled, Easily Frustrated or Angry, Feeling Unloved or Unlovable, Feeling Nervous or Shy, Being Indecisive. Do any of these feel familiar to you?
Can you see how important healthy self-esteem is to us all in order to reach our full potential for happiness, fulfillment and success?
