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hi beautiful people..........

don't think that my greetings are just only for the beautiful people that you think, in my view all are beautiful. you know this is my first try to blog, so kindly adjust with my language. i'm gonna tell you about tensions. usually this tensions arise due to some problems, am i right. according to my view, problems are characterised by two types. solvable problems and unsolvable problems. so this solvable problems are those which we know very well that we can solve that problem, so the point is that if we believe in ourselfs then why we are getting tensed for such kind of problems...? we can solve that problem isn't it...... live tension free, and live more years happily. here comes the second kind of problem. unsolvable problems are those which we know very clearly that we can't solve it by any means, so the point is..... what is the use of getting tensions for that. will that tension help you to solve the problem....? noway........... so there is no use of getting this stupid useless tensions....... live life happily. love yourself and always stay happy. take care guys......... and thanks for spending few minutes to read my stupid views about life and happiness......... thanks.
