Why VIP?
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Why VIP?

Dear all,

Wow people says them VIP'S but why? We all are human being and does matter for our surrounding. Its not like that we are not important VIP itself says that ''very important person''. So what for this extra pretending!! As a common man everyone is very important in any matter . My conscience always agreed on this point. No matter what VIP'S think about being VIP'S. As common we all breath, eat, walk, have emotions, feelings, acceptances and so on then why again the VIP word always been chased. Media is VIP not the person who is chased; yes he also does matter but first comes Media. Who comes first to us is important not that the person who is indulged in his life achievement. Some time any time, some where any where they reached and pretend a lot to be bigger VIP. The race between VIP's but why when they are xxx. A person who guards is important . There are so many ?????? .
