Enneagram Self-Discovery (5)
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Enneagram self-discovery (5)

Knowledge to change the destiny, which is why many people as their motto the sentence, but the sentence is not entirely correct. Social development to the present, the degree of knowledge update has reached the extent that we can not imagine so, knowledge for us, is a necessary condition for survival. But a person to accept a degree of knowledge, does not necessarily make life fate of the nature of change, the level of knowledge can only reflect the understanding of the society and to adapt to the objective world. A person's level of knowledge does not determine the fate of the people, on the contrary, words and deeds of many intellectuals was even smaller than the illiterate farmer.

    (4) unknown.

    Unknowns, including many, such as miracles, attitudes, but these are just the fate of the surface of the influencing factors, which is the branch condition can not make changes in the nature of fate, these factors may be positive in the growth process of life, may also be It is defeat.

    2  the law only constant is change "

    The character does not necessarily decide the fate, but it can affect your destiny. Contradictions in life, most of the conflict from our character, personality has a direct impact on many aspects of a person's behavior and habits. Character with the person's age, experience and inner cultivation to enhance or change After all, character is not entirely natural, shaped more or acquired.

    There is a saying: "leopard change its spots." But there are also another saying: "the law of the world the only constant is 'change'. Perhaps, in the history of the past, due to inequality of opportunity, personality factors appeared to be very obvious, but in today's highly developed information age, the survival of the fittest competition system, and some people chose the hard-working, persevering character, step by step in achieving their goals in life; the contrary, some people choose the lazy and lax.

    In such an era, we have no reason to shirk their responsibilities, but not complaining, we should do, only better shape their own character, to grasp the personal fate of the aids to navigation. The universe, everything is impermanent, personality also with the environment and its continuous efforts to change our destiny to dominate and master our own.

    Can also see a variety of examples in real life, can learn a wealth of experience from a variety of media, we can learn from the lessons of understanding of their character, transform their personality and temper their own personality enhance their own personality, so as to achieve the purpose of their own destiny.

    3  stimulate the inherent strength of personality

    Person's life, both personality forces exist at the same time - the power of the introverted personality and outgoing personality strength. Experience, people judge a person's character is the inward or outward to judge from the type of behavior and mood. This judgment is not reliable, because human behavior can be acquired through learning and strengthen the person's mood can also be because the experience and age to become harmonious.

    Psychological meaning, inward, outward, mainly referring to the human spirit point, more concerned about the heart is biased inward, more concerned about the outside world is biased outward. People concerned about the heart and focus on developing a sense of self, the first face is how to like themselves; concerned about the ability of the external focus on the development of the primary face was like to be environmental agree. The two forces each person is essential.

    No exaggeration to say, within the personality is the premise of the outgoing personality ability. As psychoanalysis master Eriksson said in the "identity crisis", the self-identity is a kind of spirit toward the inside of the perfusion. In fact, the human personality is complex, can not be single. The society is a stage, as long as they like, everyone can show a different personality colors. Moreover, if single, then a single introvert is not necessarily better than the single outgoing. A lot of great scientists, philosophers, artists, entrepreneurs, development well within the ability to calm down in a fickle society, independent thinking, creative and, ultimately, achievement.
