DAY 909 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 909 Amitabh Bachchan Blog

It is amazing …. how well the body recovers after a restful sound sleep for, well, a sizable number of hours ! The stress and the strain of television and other sundry jobs just seem to disappear once the shut eye has attained given hours. It has been a non stop experience. Shifting from one to the other to the other. Never stopping to assess, to consider, to sit back. Moving all the time, thinking, doing, completing, considering. And still there is the feel that all has not been attended to. Certainly the mobile is looking better. From 1,735 sms’s down to in the 400’s is quite an achievement, but still a lot to go and I labor hard on every seemingly free time to attend to it and to reduce the numbers so I could get back to a normal phone. Once that is over there shall be hundreds of letters to acknowledge and sign. And just when that is getting over Diwali will be upon us and I shall be giving out greetings to friends and family. Life just does not stop. But then, that is its most beautiful quality. I am ridden with guilt at not being able to respond to the FmXt comments. It has been a while and I do feel that my neglect is unpardonable. But the pace of my work is such that it just does not give me required time to write in. As is the case with the Twitter. There are many that complain that I get time to write the blog and the twitter, but never to reply individually. True. But better to give out a general notification at least, if nothing else. The personal shall follow. That is a given. Many have questioned me on my time management and how I am able to attend to various diverse activities in an entire day with only 24 hours. I really do not have an answer for it. It just happens. Attending multiple jobs at the same time is an option, a multi-tasking operation. But I feel that the amount of concentration required for it depletes the nature and quality of the job when muti tasking. Take up one and see it through before shifting to the other. At least there is the satisfaction of having completed one entirely. Also I think if there is a team of people working with you who know and understand your nature and style of work, the little things that they put in place reduces the amount of energy we expend when faced with a situation. I think the human body is well equipped to handle multiple tasks all at once, provided requisite assistance is on hand. They could be the most simple things. The right and required materials in place where they ought to be, the mind only being allowed to think and act on issues that are to be attended, than to be attending on things that could have been attended by the attendent. Just a vague example, but it carries the point and idea of what the system should be. A piece of clothing out of place, objects of daily necessity in order, unnecessary talk avoided because the mind is actually trying to concentrate on another important matter, all go into the realm of good time management. Any one of the above found out of place can cause a disturbance which perhaps would affect the mind when it is concentrating on the subject of main importance. This all sounds silly and perhaps frivolous, but trust me when the nature of work is so rapid and with such speed, it is these non issues that matter most. Temperamentally as artists, who involve ourselves in things creative, we do become sensitive, indeed oversensitive to matters other than routine. And routine is work. So on the drive to the studio, if say someone were to brush past your car accidentally and cause it some damage, it would have some effect on the mental state when positioning ourselves in front of the camera. The incident really has nothing to do with the creative work, but it stays as a disturbance and causes discomfort. The mind is not clear and clean. We need a clear and clean mind to get informal and natural and creative in front of the camera. And really it could be anything that could have the capacity to cause it. An unknown and insignificant by stander behind the camera, stationed perhaps to see quite innocently what the procedure of the day was, could be cause for the artist to be disturbed. If he happens to be in the line of vision of the imaginary colleague in a close up where only one of the artists is seen, then there could be a problem. Especially when something of an intense nature is being performed. Ideally we would not want any one on set. Not even the camera. We would wish there to be no semblance of any recording taking place or any one observing the recording, for, I believe we perform the best when in the privacy of our own solitary voice and face. There is the assurance of being with ourselves and not becoming the object of delight or sight for another. Yet there are many who prosper and flourish in the presence of others. After all we are performing for an eventual audience, are we not. I guess the same must be true for sportsman too. A large and encouraging audience spurs us on to a better performance. It must have something to do with the transference of energy from a million sources to one. And if there is a scientific connotation to it, I am certain that some finite physics does propel this theory. When music in its most classical has been known to crack glass and bring on rain from the clouds, why would I not believe that the physical presence of encouraged sound would not affect the performance of an individual. Worth spending some time over it …. For now its time to rest the body for a grueling schedule on KBC tomorrow morning. And the pain of knowing that the grandchildren end their stay with us, to return to their home … Love Amitabh Bachchan