Athens, The Grace Of Greece Seeks Your Conscious Realization &Amp; Compassionate Embrace; God Bless; Respectfully
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Athens, The Grace of Greece Seeks Your Conscious Realization & Compassionate Embrace; God Bless; Respectfully

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See interview of Vashi  Chandi
Athens, The Grace of Greece Seeks Your Conscious Realization & Compassionate Embrace - God Bless – Respectfully


The Greek economic crisis is unprecedentedly overwhelming


The economic upheaval is tremendously phenomenal


The crisis has considerably challenged the livelihood of its people and is significantly affecting the global economy


Remarkable austerity – fiscal measures have been taken


The need for alleviation from this challenging crisis is being sought unanimously


Let us pray and wish those entrusted with the responsibilities of effectively managing this crisis to be blessed with a vision of courage, grace, hope, success and wisdom always


May their prudence grow from strength to strength to overcome the challenges being faced


Athens, the grace of Greece seeks your compassionate embrace and conscious realization – To awaken to your true nature – To awaken to your true essence – To embark towards achievement and sustenance of goodwill, greatness, stability, sustainability, progress, unity, wisdom, wellness and prosperity always, God Bless

Good Wishes

Millions of good wishes are being expressed – seeking the establishment of a sustainable platform for empowering the future ahead enterprisingly – God Bless


Let us seek to awaken our inner wisdom – our higher consciousness – Let us seek to develop our intuition – Intuition is our inner guidance and compass of life – Intuition is the wisdom of the Soul, God Bless

God Bless

May the true joy of life, goodwill and wisdom of living be with you always. May one and all be blessed with a vision of good health, happiness, and wisdom always, God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,


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