Prioritizing / It Is About Life; It Is A Matter Of Priorities; It Is A Matter Of Meaningful Values And Principles
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Prioritizing / It is about Life; It is a Matter of Priorities; It is a Matter of Meaningful Values and Principles

Far East Sourcing
See interview of Vashi  Chandi
Prioritizing / It is about Life; It is a Matter of Priorities;

It is a Matter of Meaningful Values and Principles

Prioritization /Clairvoyance / Reasonable & Meaningful Pace


Prioritizing has its unique “unique” encouragement / inspiring factor in various spheres of Life


By prioritizing, it is synonymous to being clairvoyant, being able to perceive / empower one’s assignments/agenda with an element of distinct advantage

Reasonable & Meaningful Pace

This has been deliberately referred to as pace, intending to mean; “Keeping pace with the evolving trends” instead of emphasizing the “Need for speed”


Speed is essential; however once the inspiration / encouragement is being extended it starts with the first step, which is the adoption of a disciplined attitude


Then the speed / the momentum / the velocity – could be gradually accelerated in accordance with one’s resources and capabilities meaningfully

New Year

What is the New Year telling us is to take responsibility, plan ahead, visualize, become pro active, take efforts in self development consistently; inspire and be inspired,

- extend/grant goodness and receive an abundance of goodness in return *without holding necessary expectations for reciprocation of the goodness

* Point

The point is the intention to spread goodness / happiness

Invest in Life

Invest in Life meaningfully, constructively and responsibly.

Priority Clairvoyance Matrix

It is about being prioritized essentially; where the role of clairvoyance is seeking to encourage meaningfully; the notions

the thoughts articulated repeatedly to oneself – the beliefs, the values and principles do matter


Every aspect of Life if meaningfully invested has its significance

It is about Life; It is a Matter of Priorities;

It is specifically regarding prioritizing meticulously / meaningfully; it is not about clairvoyance only

- (clairvoyance connotes sight beyond vision – a notion – the aspect of being able to look ahead);

- this might be subject to different interpretations but the reference here is to encourage prioritizing primarily and essentially

It is About

It is primarily about priorities; about meaningful values; about meaningful principles;

- it is also about time; time is the deciding factor; time is the healing factor;

- time is the opportune factor; time management is also amongst the pro active influential factors;


it is time and again a matter of prioritizing; prioritizing matter, counts and makes its incredible difference and meaningfulness


Each Person might interpret the above in their own way of looking at this


The purpose of expressing these few words and sharing my insights are that, prioritized insights expressed even if the might be able to help a few Persons reach their aspiring potentialities envisaged meaningfully is a privilege;

- Since in Life it is about delivering meaningful value in each and every endeavor responsibly

- This is intended to reach across and request those who are able to identify and carve their meaningful niche in a particular sphere to ensure that the inspiration is extended with the hope that it will further assist one another to reach / achieve their meaningful goals/objectives responsibly and pro actively

- Meaningful Inspiration is for one and all

- There is no assurance or guarantee; but it is useful to prioritize as well as pay careful, diligent attention and ensure observance of various other corresponding factors that might bear relevance to the concerned accordingly

- It is multi dimensional / multi faceted; since one cannot simply prioritize and then say, now what?

- It is about taking the Responsibility, the Meaningful approach and ensuring always compliance with the Respective Laws and Regulations; Rules; Terms and Conditions explicitly

- Prioritizing is not about evasion; it is matter of compliance in all aspects and respects meaningfully

- It is synchronizing the various aspects of Life meaningfully and if it can be said opportunely

- Being prepared for the respective opportunities in Life, by being Organized, by being Prepared; by being Systematic, by being Pro Active

- Whether this might be attending an exam; attending an project at work; attending to the daily activities / assignments; it is a matter of meaningful priority / meaningful priorities / meaningfully prioritizing “Responsibly”


When we perceive, recognize, understand and the deliver meaningful value to the Universe, we are enriching our own Life as well


Yes indeed, the above could be swiftly expressed in less than a few words,

- however the essence here and elsewhere time and again is that the priorities embarked of meaningful value could be **an instrumental factor in their respective capacities / spheres


It is essential that the specified / detailed emphasis is accorded with the sincere hope that it will be useful in encouraging one and all in their respective agendas / assignments / duties / objectives meaningfully and responsibly.


The mention featured here is not relating / intended to pertain to mysticism and neither about spiritualism and any other related aspects;

- it is simply about seeking to prioritize since prioritizing is advantageous and when one aspect is prioritized in Life,

- it helps encourage prioritizing the aspects relating to other priorities/aspects in Life

Commencement, Intermediate & Stable Foundation – Meaningful Intentions Matter

It is about the intention; It is about the correct and meaningful direction;

- It is a lot about understanding; It is about getting started,

- about building a strong / resilient foundation that emancipates the finest ideals, values and principles relating to Universal Welfare, Happiness and Meaningful and Constructive Development and Sustained Progress

Today, Tomorrow, Next Week, Next Month, Next Year, Next Decade, Next Century, Next Millennium

Everywhere, Every time; it is a matter of meaningful priorities, meaningful prioritization / prioritizing matters.

Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina; Sarve Bhavantu Sukhina

May One and All be Happy; May One and All have well-being;

May Happiness be showered on all; May One and All be Healthy

O Lord Protect us, O Lord Guide us, O Lord Grant us Wisdom

O Lord Lead us from darkness to Light (From ignorance to Knowledge)

O Lord May there be Universal Peace, Happiness, Prosperity and Progress

Best Wishes,

Vashi Ram Chandi
