A Humble & Respectful Tribute To The Blind – Inspiring Vision
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A Humble & Respectful Tribute to The Blind – Inspiring Vision

Far East Sourcing
See interview of Vashi  Chandi

A Humble & Respectful Tribute to The Blind

Inspiring Vision

B for A Truly Beautiful Heart

L for Loving, Considerate & Compassionate

I for Inspiring & Intelligent

N for Nice & Noble

D for Dignified & Determined

The Blind – Always with Utmost Respect

An Admirable, Humble and Respectful Salute is always accorded to The Blind


We look upon the them always with utmost Admiration; True Love and Respect and thank them for the Inspiring Vision they always provide with their determined perseverance


Their vision is impaired yet they seek to take the initiatives to perceive and recognize so many aspects of Life with their sensory organs


Their attentiveness and awareness is remarkable since even the slightest of movements is detected with a heightened perspective of alertness


Truly speaking there is indeed a lot that we can learn from the Blind; their attitude; their characteristics; their humility and keen anticipation towards seeking to grasp and understand the best possible with the reasonable means at their disposal


If a Person were to take a few moments and closely observe the actions of the Blind they would be able to comprehend so much more about so many aspects of life that are taken for granted


Imagine oneself in a similar situation is completely beyond any imagination itself whatsoever since even for instance if one is in a environment where there is a power cut and there are no lights

– darkness all around

– one feels so helpless in the dark

- one wants to hurriedly emerge from any such state rapidly

– yet imagine the Blind how they bravely face the obstacles they encounter and move ahead with a sense of purpose that our hearts accord them a dignified and most admirable salute time and again for their efforts


The Blind create miracles upon miracles of Life in each and every moment with their spirit of life; they belief they have; the confidence they have; the inspiration they provide to others is tremendous


If someone; somewhere at sometime were to complain and regret they should seek to look at the Blind and perceive how the Blind are able to live their lives passionately and inspire others around themselves as well

It is a Matter of Perspective

Indeed it is a matter of perspective that when one is in one condition; situation facing certain challenges one thinks that if one were in another condition; another situation perhaps they might be much more happier yet ignoring the fact that to embark onto another platform they have to first responsibly attend to what they are facing with a meaningful; purposeful; respectful and responsible approach accompanied along with due diligence and prudence


The Blind teach us so much about life and its beautifulness and are able to describe the colours and the wonderfulness of life very most vividly as they have capture it in their imagination; one is left speechless when one realizes the profound inspiration that the Blind are able to impart


It is indeed unfortunate that the Blind are facing the plight they are in but they never seek to retract or give up; rather they seek to remind us to look within ourselves and bring out the very Best in ourselves for the Universe always


There is so much more that could be expressed in honor of the Blind that each expression would be but an humble and respectful note of thanks to them always for their immense inspiration and admiration for their perception; the vision with which they are able to perceive and encourage all of us to appreciate and live life in each and every moment appreciatively and with utmost true consideration for each and every aspect of life always

Time & Again – Gentle Reminder

The Blind with their admirable spirit gently remind us that we need to gratefully appreciate the wonderful moments that life so very fortunately provides us with and reciprocate the amazing virtues we have been endowed with; by effectively and responsibly utilizing them for Universal Happiness and Welfare always


The Blind with their inspiration and respective actions reveal to us the phenomenal actualities and realities relating to various aspects of life; the meaningfulness; the purposefulness; the respectfulness and the responsibleness of life; there is so much that they demonstrate to us that is indeed amazing and admirable always


The Blind also teach us that apart from perceiving with our precious eyes, we must seek to trust and utilize our intellectual faculties to be attentive and aware regarding our respective assignments; agendas; duties; responsibilities relating to the tasks in front and ahead of us

Attentiveness & Awareness

In one word this means; being Present where we are; by focusing our attention to the respective objectives facing us rather than being distracted since when we are true to ourselves and others and acknowledge what needs to be done is attended to respectively, we are relegating a visionary approach towards tackling – attending to the respective matters with due diligence and prudence


This is seeking to take the initiatives relating to our respective objectives spontaneously instead of citing pretexts and excuses; the Blind truly inspire us in so many ways; they spread joy and happiness all around them and although they cannot be able to see the Universe with their eyes, they are able to comprehend and guide us with their inspiring approach and appreciation for attending to each and every aspect of life very most remarkably; God Bless


May One and All be Blessed with a Vision of Good Health; Happiness; Prosperity, Progress and Wisdom always

World’s Happiness

When the World is Happy, We are all Happy; In one another’s Happiness is our true Prosperity, Development and Greatest Happiness

Universal Appreciation; Happiness; Gratitude & Wisdom

May Universal Appreciation; Good Health & Wellness; Happiness; Consideration; Compassion; Respect; Peace; Love; Cooperation; Inspiration; Gratitude; Economic Development, Stability; Prosperity, Progress & Wisdom prevail always

Love & Light;

God Bless,


©2009 Vashi Ram Chandi


This article is being expressed in good faith; with sincere and meaningful intentions; but devoid of any kind ; type of responsibilities; representation or warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, reliability of any of the details featured herewith

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