Amitabh Bachchan, The Inspiring Legend
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Amitabh Bachchan, The Inspiring Legend

Far East Sourcing
See interview of Vashi  Chandi
Amitabh Bachchan, The Inspiring Legend

He is truly inspiring and outstanding

His manner of expression always speaks of

rich characteristics;humility, nobility,

simplicity and wisdom

His compassion and kind consideration for

others is remarkable and sincerely


He truly carries forth the legacy of rich values

based principles inherited from

his Proud Parents,

Respected Shrimati Teji Harivansh Rai

Bachchanji and Respected Shri Harivansh Rai


This inspires each and every one of us to

respectively invest our very best endeavors

for Universal Happiness and Progress

meaningfully; purposefully; respectfully and

responsibly always

His actions also evokes our awareness relating

to so much goodness and meaningfulness

that truly abounds within our universal realm

when we take the meaningful and purposeful

initiatives with due diligence, prudent acumen

and a perspective of responsibleness always

With Admiration & Respect,

Love and Light,

God Bless,


©2009 Vashi Ram Chandi
