Hurricanes – The Challenges Of Nature – The Nature Of Challenges – God Bless – Respectfully
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Hurricanes – The Challenges Of Nature – The Nature Of Challenges – God Bless – Respectfully

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Hurricanes – The Challenges Of Nature – The Nature Of Challenges – God Bless – Respectfully


We humbly pray for the victims of Hurricane Irene and seek God’s grace

Global Warming

As it has been emphatically reiterated that the burning of fossil fuels accompanied with indiscriminate deforestation are amongst two of the crucially vital factors resulting in warmer ocean temperatures – thereby precipitating the recurrence of hurricanes


The felling of trees – deforestation is positioned at an alarmingly crucial state – the trees remarkably provide us with an abundance of a life time of resourcefulness


There is an urgent need to carefully understand how we could be able to co create and align our agendas with Nature – permitting evolution to manifest its exuberant magnificence unhindered


The magnificence of ecological evolution is amazing and seeks our active and keen participation in its sustainability with a perspective of conscious awareness and responsibility


Let us seek to consciously give back – contribute to Mother Nature our very most considerate, compassionate, firm, determined and decisive support – the Universe and Mother Nature stand resolutely in solidarity with their infinite pledge to promote compassion, goodwill, peace, harmony and solidarity that is focused upon cultivation of a Universal landscape encompassing sustainable ecological balance consciously

Conservancy – Efficiency

A more conscious, conservative, efficient and responsible management and utilization of fossil fuels would be greatly appreciated to help sustain the elements – the environmental factors that seek to provide us with an abundance of natural weather conditions devoid of any precipitation by external factors

Sustainability – The Agenda

To help sustain the process more effectively – energy conservation measures could be suggestively integrated along with identification of greater range of renewable energy resources – as well as reliance upon wind turbines – promoting solar energy along with alternative bio fuel sources – resources ingeniously


It is not actually the challenges of nature in so much as it is the nature of challenges – the nature seeking to humbly reflect upon establishment of a greater degree and level of understanding of the various aspects governing our acceptance of the trueness of life and living infinitely

- this is seeking to identify, discover, recognize, realize and experience our true essence – our true identity – our true nature and true self whilst ensuring compliance with the respective guidelines, rules, laws and regulations governing national and international jurisdictions explicitly – a lot more in life remains ensconced within our true nature than we could ever realize and beholds the true awakening to our purposeful living with conscious awareness nature-fully

- this is more than the science of life – it is humbly seeking to embrace the truth of life supreme – the completeness of who we truly are – we are spiritual beings experiencing humanity amazingly – We are left with one question time and again to answer

- the question is – Are we challenging Nature? Are we understanding Nature please? Because if we state or pass remarks that what is happening is-are the unprecedented challenges of Nature – Nature humbly seeks to inspire us to reflect and realize upon the truthfulness of various aspects and answer it honestly

- Then what do we have to state please? Do we still reiterate that it is-are the challenges of Nature please? Or do we state the Nature of challenges? In many more ways than it could ever be mentioned, grasping – carefully understanding the essence of our life – realizing and experiencing our True Nature would bring us in alignment with the Nature all around us thereby heralding the symphony of the cosmic orchestra to resonate its sacred tune of the truthfulness in each and every sphere of our lives amazingly – What remains thus is the eternal Truth – Trust in the Truth of life is the true representation of life and its creative magnificence infinitely

- Truth is the true nature of life -To live by the truth can provide the inspiration as well as lead us to the absolute truth which is enlightenment – It is known that when the spirit expresses itself, it reveals the realm of the divine knowledge that remains ensconced within one’s true nature – true essence – true identity and true self respectivelyGod Bless


The true light of life inspires us to express our divinity – to experience our growth in grace and wisdom infinitely – God Bless

Keep Discovering Your True Essence Your True Identity Your True Nature Your True Self Love, Light & Wisdom, God Bless, Vashi Ram Chandi



The art of life inspires us to be true to our purpose and values – to live a life of purpose with conscious awareness consistently – God Bless


It empowers us with the capabilities and foresight to achieve the visions that belong to the goodwill and harmony of the Universe infinitely – God Bless


The visions are sustainably empowered by our true nature – true self – God Bless


Let us seek to awaken our inner wisdom; our higher consciousness – Let us seek to develop our intuition – God Bless


Intuition is our inner guidance and compass of life – Intuition is the wisdom of the Soul – God Bless

God Bless

May one and all be blessed with a vision of compassion, conscious awareness, diligence, foresight, good health, goodwill, happiness, harmony, honesty, joy, loyalty, meaningfulness, patriotism, peace, prosperity, progress, prudence, purposefulness, responsibility, resourcefulness, success, sustainability, truth and wisdom always – God Bless

Love, Light and Wisdom,

God Bless,


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