The Importance Of Context-Switch
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The importance of Context-Switch

Associate Design Engineer
Yesterday was a special learning for me. We went for a team outing from office for an adventurous game called "PAINTBALL".

The rules of the game are little tough for those who spend their hours infront of the computer and they are as follows

The total members will be spilt into two groups.

Each group have to fight against the other with Guns(like in WAR) to capture their flag located at the opposite team.

We will have all the gaurds to cover our body,head protect ourselves from the Gelatin bullets which will hurt badly if hit.

After playing two games of Paint ball what i understood is that, whatever i am working on is very easy compared to what people involved in this kind of space like Army, Navy do.

So the key takeaway for me yesterday was to work still more accurately(as this is very easy compared to the above one which i described).

Finally i realized that some kind of context-switch will really help in knowing the value of the work we are involved in.

PS:More info on Paintball in Bangalore @

Happy Weekend!