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It is indeed a most popular subject matter in the society; after all it is merely a social contentious.Nowadays, people are trying to protest against common issues with the help of exhibiting boorish manner. However, it seems to be a misbehaving attitude showcasing to the political leaders by the people. Even if political celebrities perform their imperfect way of dealing, common people should have minimum quality of acting within the crowd or society.
Infact, we have the right to act our own ways andcarry out the matters into the society, but we always remember to keep our wayof behaving and nature of performing in a society. Throwing shoes to anypolitical leaders is not at all a good manner and it is not digestible toanyone. These kinds of activities are absolutely expressing the quality of anindividual or their party. The way of protesting against the issues is not onlyfocused on the basis of that particular matter, but it shows the power of bothindividual and crew. It might be the concept of any political party. But whenit moves beyond the boundary of the protest, it seems like a bad nature ofprotesting against the issue. Moreover, it focuses only on that particular act,not the matter. Whenever we need to do anything, we should express our minimumquality and that makes us to improve a good attitude. We should learn torespect every human being.