Make Life Beautiful By Exploring Happiness From Little Things.
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editricon Make life beautiful by exploring happiness from little things.

Teacher Astrologer

In today’s world, everyone is just busy in running behind numerous things which are even out of their reach, either because of limited availability of resources or due to their incompetency to achieve their wants which sometimes even tend to be unrealistic.

In this rat race, people instead of gaining, even loose the things which they have in their hand like peace of mind and relations, which can give some sort of happiness. People who are around you, need not be either your supporters or protesters; actually they all are busy in their own daily chores. It is just your own thinking which creates all problems you feel with others. The need of the hour is that you should be friendly with others as far as possible and be plain in your dealings with them.

A sincere person is always liked by others. It may be noted that when you are in power, then all people will gather around you for taking the undue advantage but when you loose the power, all the people will just fly away like seasonal birds and leave you behind. Then, you will feel sorrowful but till then, you would have lost all the control from your happiness adversely affecting your mental peace, physical health and precious relations.

You should always try to take out some time from your busy schedules at least once a week, to play with children below 10 years of age because then you will feel new energy being generated with the grace of god. That is why the learned people always say that God resides in children.

Always do the things which are in your reach and do not try to get the things at the cost of peace of mind, happiness and relations. Life is to enjoy not to waste. So enjoy every moment. Laugh as much as you can. I am quite sure that if you face each problem with a smiling face, then no problems will exists. The problems will try to stay far from you. Never hesitate in trying things. You will fail once, twice, thrice but not after that. There is a famous saying that failures are the pillars of success. So keep trying. Life is a beautiful gift given by god so friends please live your life happily and don’t waste it. The happiest people in the world are not those who have no problems, but those who learn to live with things that are less than perfect. It has been rightly said that Happiness always looks small when you hold it in your hands But when you learn to share it
you will realize how big and precious it is.

The following note should always be kept in mind.

No one is in charge of your happiness except you .

I would like to give special thanks to Suchi Arora for publishing this article for editing work.
