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Forces of darkness can’t stand a flame

As 2008 comes to an end, some snippets of Osho's wisdom...
Never for a single moment cling to the old. Whatsoever is old, just go on dropping it. The moment it is old, be finished with it, put a full stop by it. Never look back, there is nothing worth looking back at. One cannot look back. One has to go ahead. Be adventurous. Let there be no continuity with the past. It no longer belongs to you. Get out of it as a snake moves out of the old skin and does not even look back. Just a moment before, that skin was part of his body; now, no more. Move out of the past continuously so that you can remain in the present. Much energy is released if you complete things. Have you watched it in yourself? If you don’t complete a thing it remains on your head, in your thoughts, knocking, to be completed. Until you complete it, it goes on hovering around you.
You are taking a bath: make it complete. How to make it complete? Be there, enjoy it, live it, feel it. Come out of your bath after doing it completely, totally. You are eating, then eat! Then forget. Nothing exists in the world except your present act. Whatsoever you are doing, do it so completely so unhurriedly, so patiently, that the mind is saturated and becomes content. Only then leave it.
If you really live, live to the fullest, there will be no need to repeat. Live totally. Whatsoever you want to do, do it! Don’t avoid and don’t repress.
Every night before you go to sleep, finish that day. It is finished in existence; now it is futile to carry it in the mind. If something has remained incomplete in the day, complete it in your mind. The forces of darkness may be great but they can’t stand even a small flame of a candle. Their greatness is only an appearance, because basically darkness has no existence of its own. Darkness is only the absence of light. Light has its own existence, and to have one’s own existence is the true power.
The dawn is bound to come. The night may be long. The agony may be great. The darkness may be becoming more and more intense but nothing can prevent the new man from arising on the horizon. One thing has always to be remembered, that whatsoever is destructive is impotent, only creativity has potentiality, is potent. They cannot destroy the eternal being in you. In fact, the situation today is more destructive than it was ever before. But as I see it, it may prove a blessing in disguise. All that is beautiful and real in existence has an inner urge to expand.
Never for a single moment cling to the old. Whatsoever is old, just go on dropping it. The moment it is old, be finished with it, put a full stop by it. Never look back, there is nothing worth looking back at. One cannot look back. One has to go ahead. Be adventurous. Let there be no continuity with the past. It no longer belongs to you. Get out of it as a snake moves out of the old skin and does not even look back. Just a moment before, that skin was part of his body; now, no more. Move out of the past continuously so that you can remain in the present. Much energy is released if you complete things. Have you watched it in yourself? If you don’t complete a thing it remains on your head, in your thoughts, knocking, to be completed. Until you complete it, it goes on hovering around you.
You are taking a bath: make it complete. How to make it complete? Be there, enjoy it, live it, feel it. Come out of your bath after doing it completely, totally. You are eating, then eat! Then forget. Nothing exists in the world except your present act. Whatsoever you are doing, do it so completely so unhurriedly, so patiently, that the mind is saturated and becomes content. Only then leave it.
If you really live, live to the fullest, there will be no need to repeat. Live totally. Whatsoever you want to do, do it! Don’t avoid and don’t repress.
Every night before you go to sleep, finish that day. It is finished in existence; now it is futile to carry it in the mind. If something has remained incomplete in the day, complete it in your mind. The forces of darkness may be great but they can’t stand even a small flame of a candle. Their greatness is only an appearance, because basically darkness has no existence of its own. Darkness is only the absence of light. Light has its own existence, and to have one’s own existence is the true power.
The dawn is bound to come. The night may be long. The agony may be great. The darkness may be becoming more and more intense but nothing can prevent the new man from arising on the horizon. One thing has always to be remembered, that whatsoever is destructive is impotent, only creativity has potentiality, is potent. They cannot destroy the eternal being in you. In fact, the situation today is more destructive than it was ever before. But as I see it, it may prove a blessing in disguise. All that is beautiful and real in existence has an inner urge to expand.