How To React In A Difficult Situation.
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How to react in a difficult situation.

When it comes to handling communication conflicts with others, it is easy to get upset with comments directed your way. But you don't have to put up with it, or resort to violence, either. If someone insults you, don't give in to your initial reaction - which generally is to snap back with an equally insulting retort. Yes, you're hurt. Maybe even a little shocked. But before you even open your mouth to respond, keep your cool. There's nothing worse than a hasty reply - it can be hard to take back. But if you have to address him, try speaking softly and maintain eye contact when you tell him that you don't appreciate the remark. If he gets hostile with you, ask him to leave, or remove yourself from the situation. At that point, you have done your part, being as respectful as you can to this person, so anything else that he has to say is on him, rather than being a fault of yours. Minimizing the drama can be just what will diffuse a tense situation and preserve your relationship with the offender.