Endless Search!
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Endless Search!

Founder of Telecomblogs India

I sat clueless two days back in front of my desk. I am still clueless today. I was searching something. I knew I should get it, but alas! It wasn’t that easy after all. Internet Searches are still unable to deliver desired results; at least not the one which I would like to see.

I was surfing some design related articles on web two days back and later found one of them quite interesting to think about. But unfortunately, the time didn't allow me to save link to favorites and even I forgot to save it to my delicious account, in hurry. What I could remember about the article, was nothing but two or three keywords in it. So today morning when I sat again on my PC and decided to revisit the page, it resulted into big disappointment. I am still looking for it.

So I decided to take help of Web Page, where I found the link to article. Thank God! At least I remember it. But then, after endlessly searching achieves in different categories, I couldn't even get the glimpse of desired one. By that time I already wasted some 20 mins on search operation. At the end, I decided to take help of Google Powered Search, available on the said Webpage (Should I be thankful?). But even after searching for few KEY-words mentioned in title, I didn't get desired result.

Finally, I decided to head straight-way to Google and take a shot. But this resulted in more chaos as those 2-3 keywords produced in-numerable search (I really don’t know how many) results, where after visiting few initial pages I decided to stop my search operation. I am still clueless about my next move.

I admire the ability of today's power searches, but they are very helpful when you are clear about what you are looking for. You enter the desired words and hang on to any resulted link of your choice. But in my case, I knew the article was about some design on smartphones on specific page. Neither Search History nor Google is in position to reproduce the same desired results. Why? It really doesn't matter after all, till I find my desired page. Till then Happy Searching!
