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Online shopping in India has grown over the years from being a low profile concept to one which is now qu ...more>>
The number of people that a manager can govern or manage to increase efficiency varies from industry to in ...more>>
Sumangala India ( ) a leading on-line travel company in India in to Holiday ...more>>
When you create your own website for your business, the one important thing that you should be con ...more>>
Eversince last i wrote my blog, market had been showing weakness finally recovering around 20th july,2009 b ...more>>
No sides One of the first things that happens when a senior leaves is that some of the employees ...more>>
generally people have misconception about life insurance. but frankly speaking it is very useful and so evr ...more>>
Overbearing, obsessively rude, noisy, and opinionated – there are so many things that can be fo ...more>>
Satyam Computer Services (rebranded as Mahindra Satyam) has recovered 32 clients of Satyam since M ...more>>
The underlying current of discontent shown by quite a few, while commenting against my article on Barack Ob ...more>>
Piracy in Merchandising in India Piracy is a downright menace and thorough nuisance, in all forms ...more>>
A recently conducted study at Cranfield School of Management has concluded that - technology addiction is ...more>>
Being On Time One of most important (though often not the easiest) thing you can do is to always ...more>>
I decided to catch up on a movie this weekend. So went to the local theatre web site, selected my seat, wen ...more>>
Tell your audience, early in your presentation, where you are going. Don't make them guess - becau ...more>>
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