Reminiscing Those Golden Moments.
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Reminiscing those golden moments.

Life, as we know it, always has its ups and downs, its twists and turns.. Life used to be so smooth while we were kids, like a road with no speed-breakers, no turns and twists. Life was actually fun when we were kids, there wasn’t a single thing we had to worry about. Everything was so wonderful, so amazing.. My life as a child was pretty good actually. Now, all these memories are rushing into my head right now.

I remember the time when I used to play hide and seek with my cousins and friends. The time when we climbed up big mango trees, it was so much fun in those days. We even tried to build a tree-house on our big Gul-mohar tree, but my dad saw us and didn’t allow us to build it. He was like, “It’s a living thing, you can’t just stuck nails on it just to build a tree-house.. how would you feel?” When my dad said that we actually felt bad for the tree, and we decided to store all our hammer and nails on the tool-box. If I actually think about it now, I think my dad is right when he told us about the tree.

And talking about my dad, I really miss my dad right now. He’s like my own superhero when I was a kid. LOL! I always look up to my dad, everything he said was right I used to think. We always look up to our dads, don’t we, guys? My dad may not have superpowers, like they show it in the movies.. but I think he is my very own superhero. I just love my dad. You’re the man, dad!

Peace Everyone!
