Shanti Bhushan Should Step Down
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Shanti Bhushan should step down

Serious allegations of acquiring wealth by Shanti Bhushan and his sons through illegal means have been leveled by Amar Singh. All of us are aware of the credentials of Amar Singh and Digvijay Singh, less said the better. It certainly aims at derailing people’s process to check corruption in public life and punish corrupt officers, politicians and judges. Naturally the reaction by the vested interests will be virulent and nasty. But it also pertains to faith of the people and therefore the allegations need to be examined mainly on the following points:-a. Under valuation of property of the Bhushans at Allahabad, Delhi and other places.b. If any attempt was made to influence judges through various means as per purported conversation recorded in the CD.c. Whether PILs were being filed by Prasant Bhushan for ulterior motive as alleged.d. How two plots worth 30 crore were allotted to them? Can a common man be given two costly plots at a few lakhs?e. Whether a lawyer in India charges 25 lakh/per appearance. Shanti Bhushan has alleged to have been paid by Amar Singh 50 lakhs for two appearances. Should be it true, can a common man ever get justice in the system? Will not the system collapse sooner than later?f. Whether Bhushan canvassed for Saumitra Sen the judge facing impeachment.All these questions must be solved as public trust is at stake and Bhushans must step aside. Otherwise there is every likelihood of them being victims of blackmailing and pressure tactics by the corrupt mafia. If they do not resign from the joint drafting panel they may be too demoralized to do justice to the people’s aspirations.