How Is The Landscape Going To Change In Banking?
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How is the landscape going to change in banking?

Independent Principal Domain Consul...

Thanks to SIBOS 09, I believe am in the wonder world already! (Future of banking)

In this wonder world, no paper work, no personal visit to the nearest bank branch to open my account!

I need only to have my all purpose identity card issued by my country of residence.

I can choose a bank of my choice (in any part of the wrold) and just clieck (internet). (Internet is life for new generations, not a channel!)

No paper. No signature. My account is opened. (From physical to electronic?)

What about the authentication for operating the account? No signatures?

Well. In my world, authorisations would be facilitated by my fringer prints or by eye ball characteristics (bio-metric?)

I can even choose to put up a specific 'mischevous' smile or even scorn which my bank will capture for authorising operations in my account. That is my choice.

The same thing will apply even for passwords. Thank God. I need not remember any more my numerous pass words.

I can transact without any hassles. Just a click. Show my fingers or eye-balls or put up a or m.scorn. Operations through.

In this wonder world, I can convert my balances in any currency of my choice at the market rates. No cutting corners by my bank. Are you surprised? My bank is passing on the beneft as their cost of operations / transaction is truly reduced. (customer relationship cost effective!)

Well. My bank can even go a step further. Upon my authorisation, it will automatically convert my balances in any currency and invest, which would yield maximum returns for the duratin of my investment. Believe me. This can be done on real time.

In a way, the wonder technology in the wonder world will enable me to establish my own bank for managing my funds and needs to maximize benefits for me.

At last, I am enabled in my wonder world.

Let me start using IT.
