Would You Like To Retain Your Customers?
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Would you like to retain your customers?

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Customer service is an art. Though it emanates from the background of the provider, his philosophies and practices, it still can be learnt by adhering to certain codified steps.

Here is an approach to retain customers in our fold.

Step 1

Ascertain and assure yourself that it is worthwhile to retain a customer. Believe in the dictum a customer retained is customer earned. New business flow in much more from an existing customer

Step 2

Customer does not expect moon. He expects only pre agreed rules and regulations to be honored. Only when a shortfall is noticed, he decides to quit. Keep in mind, you have every obligation to meet the basic needs of customer

Step 3

Customer complains only when there is a cover up operation. Customer understands well the old saying to err is human. So next time, when there is some genuine mistake please own and feel really sorry for it. It is the only time tested and best way to avoid customer complaints.

Step 4

Want to win the heart of the customer. Answer his queries precisely, quickly. Even if an immediate answer or response not possible let him know. Speedy action demonstrates a sense of urgency

Step 5

To assure customer he is in the market update your techniques and technologies. Invest in people, systems, research and development. Keep in touch with trends. Keep the morale of your workforce very high they are the vital links between customers and organization.


Despite all these efforts if any customer chooses to leave ascertain reasons from him or her for leaving. Probably this type of exit interviews will provide the service provider the correct evaluation of his/her organization and on this basis s/he can initiate appropriate steps

The key areas to concentrate in any customer retention programmes are the customers, the people working for the service provider, the philosophies and practices of the service provider. If the first two areas namely customer and the people working for the service provider are taken care of, then, the effort is almost achieved. For the philosophies and practices of such a provider will be in tune with the expectations of the market place.

Does this look easy and simple to follow. Why not we follow.
