Who Am/Is “I”?
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Who am/is “I”?

Advertising Professional

I am a world. I have started with this over exaggerated line, because I believe Every Individual is a world. The one world, we read about, we see, we hear are in fact not the same. The same world can be really rosy to one and pretty ugly to others. The same world can be nice, bad, kind, cruel and what not, to different people at the same time. The number of worlds are only the the total number of “I”ssssss.

So, “I” am/is a world sharing the spaces with other worlds.

The alphabet “I” at the first instance speaks of an Individual. This individual “I” is a journey which comes across a number of crossroads of decision making. I am the outcome of uncountable decisions, willingly or unwillingly made by me under different conditions. “I” is an audience of varied situations and a player who reacts differently from others.

So, “I” am/is a unique person among other unique persons.

Like a product cycle, business cycle and other cycles “I” too have a life cycle, with stages of success & failures. Truth is, “I” itself is greatly responsible for these cycles. It is all about how “I” ride the cycle?

So, “I” am/is a controller.

These few lines or an essay of billion pages can’t define an “I”, because “I” am/is a world.

“I” am/is nothing, but an open set of experience and learning which will close only after the death of “I”.

(This was a very funny incident in my MBA College last year. One of my lecturer used to pocket his salary engaging us in writing n Essay, “WHO AM I??” for the full 1 hour class. This was the first few paragraphs of my philosophical essay on his first “Who am I classes?”. As we were given some 30, 40 minutes, I thought of writing these thoughts before righting blah blah about me, but at the end of that class I came to know that he only asked us to write a “I am GOOD BOY KID’S ESSAY” about our hobbies and other non sense”.)
