Be Good To Make Others Good
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Be Good To Make Others Good

Software Engineer

When I was a small girl, I used to like chocolates a lot, so I used to have continuously. And it became a bad habit for me. When my mother came to know about my habit, she advised me not to have chocolates in excessive amount, since it will spoil my teeth but, in spite of this I kept on having chocolates in the same amount. My mother noticed that I did not listen to her.  So she complained to my elder brother (Manoj).

I always used to obey my elder brother’s advice. Hearing complaint about me, my brother did not take any action on it immediately.  Later, after a month he called me and told in front of my mother and told “Dear do not eat chocolates in excessive amount, it will affect your teeth”. Hearing this, my mother was quite surprised since it was almost a month before she had spoken to him. Seeing my mother’s reaction my brother replied, “If I cannot improve my own bad habits, I don’t have any right to improve others.  Be good to make others good”.

Since then, this statement of my brother always stays in my mind. Later I also realized that this thought of my brother not only holds for him or me, but it holds for everyone, especially between the Elder and the Younger generations of our society.

The younger generations are the tomorrow’s future. So the elder generations should be good by themselves and teach good things to the younger generations. Then only the nation will proceed towards success.

Children learn from their elders and their surrounding environment. So if the elders and the environment good then the children become good.  For example – If an elder person lies to another person in front of his child then the child just learns to speak lies. This is because child doesn’t have so much understanding, what is good for him and what is bad for him. So as result the child learns a bad habit of telling lies. Now, this child spreads this bad habit among his friends and they also learn it.

This is the reason  we should take care of making our self good and our environment good, so that our nation becomes good.

