Scheduled Class To World Class!
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Scheduled class to world class!

blog writing
See interview of Ashok  Kothare

I often read Mumbai Mirror, and on 25th May there was a news clip about comments of our honorable Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh. In that he showed dissatisfaction on the performance-capability of faculty as well as alumni of IIM and IIT, both are considered to be very esteemed institutions of our country. In that he has admitted that the students are, by and large, definitely world class but not the institutes from which they come. He also pointed out to us that there is no worthwhile research going on in these places and the contribution of both these institutes in research is as bad as nothing.


This has attracted comments full of criticism, from concerned and also not so concerned people, from all over the country. Even though his comments, however explicit, are revealing truth; every body of these institutions is obviously expected to condemn them for noticeable reasons.


When I pondered upon the issue I began to get as to why these institutions are not up to the mark. Every body knows that our government wants to encourage scheduled class at all levels in all institutes perforce. From Delhi there are covert orders from the Ministries that only scheduled class intelligence be encouraged in all places of importance and so we have scheduled class constitution written by a scheduled class intelligence, we have scheduled class police force, scheduled class banking, scheduled class teachers and professors, scheduled class planning commission, scheduled class judiciary, scheduled class finance management and so on and so forth. This explains why our institutes are not world class they are scheduled class! Just imagine if we have at all places a scheduled class intelligence to operate and take scheduled class decisions; how on earth, we shall have world class anywhere at all? To have world class we must encourage best intelligence at all levels otherwise we should not complain of the situation that our government has created by immature decisions at all places. The complete country is in mess on all points and that can be best explained by admitting of the blunder of over-encouraging scheduled class everywhere. Our rulers have forgotten that there are some places where we cannot compromise and the best must be encouraged to be world class.


All HODs of Universities and research institutions are perforce from scheduled class and that results in scheduled class everywhere; how can we expect world class to develop out of scheduled class unintelligent management and scheduled class decisions? As a result we see that the best candidates coming out from these esteemed (!) institutes as ‘scheduled class’ but when they go abroad and begin to get ‘world class’ training from those places they immerge out, to be world class, as what they should be; knowing their real quality. Their performance after that is excellent and we begin to credit of that ‘world class’ performance to these scheduled class institutes, conveniently forgetting the training they got from those foreign ‘world class’ places.


To resolve this pertinent problem some have come out with the suggestion that we should encourage direct foreign educational institutes to open their branches in India. This suggestion is based on expectation that these foreign institute shall not bog down under pressures of scheduled class groups. This is because the pressure of scheduled class is so strong on the center that they cannot resist appointments of scheduled class on all strategic places. Our politicians, who are also scheduled class by their quality, have committed to make the whole country a scheduled class country and by that to make these scheduled class happy.       



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