Dont' Give People What They Want
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Dont' give people what they want

Marketing Manager

Don’t give people what they want:

A humble request to all the creative artists in the various fields…. Please don’t give people what they want! Even though, it sounds like an absolutely strange suggestion, I have my own reasons for it.

The general public (me included!) does not have in-depth knowledge of art forms. Be it

Classical music, literature, painting, sculpture, dance forms, performing arts etc., people have stereotype taste, developed by mundane surroundings and mediocre critical reviews in the print and electronic media. It’s easy for any artist to become successful nowadays, as he/she knows, what people want. They dish out day in and day out the stuff, which sells, but has no genuine creativity at all. They are great imitators, copy cats of genuine creative works done by someone/somewhere in the world. It’s cleverly masked to hide the original version as far as possible.

The creativity is not appreciated by this established interest as the art has become commerce now! The new talent is either molded to suit public taste or left to languish in the dark streets of failure. It’s a system which tells the artist, what he/she has to give, to become successful! The genuinely creative people, who want to give the world the original concepts and new art forms, are defeated by this system.

This has to change. Let the musicians give the original tunes and what comes from their heart and not what producers want from them, Writers open their mind out in books, without fear of any backlash, actors come out of their screen image and be honest to the character they play, painters and sculptures to create master pieces as per their free spirit and not by taking orders from the art gallery….. And so on…..

We are deprived of new ideas and art forms today. What we have is, well masked clones of various great artists of yesteryear. Aptly described by today’s successful copycats that they get inspiration from so and so artist or style…. Very convenient… but we don’t ask any questions to them. How could we? What’s the level of knowledge we have? The system is controlling the creative work in the society.

So my plea to all the creative souls……listens to your heart and give your original work to this world with gay abandon. Don’t hold back, fear no one. This shall enrich our lives and may be we may start appreciating genuinely good work of art one day........!
