Happiness Quotient : HQ
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Happiness Quotient : HQ

Marketing Manager

Happiness Quotient: HQ

We get different kind of reactions from the first time visitors from the western countries about India. There are some excited visitors, who go on clicking pictures of cows and other animals on the roads, while others are shocked looking at the swanky 5- star hotels and villas not far from slum and poverty.

One of my European colleagues however made a very interesting comment on his first visit to India. He said “I have seen a genuine smile on the faces of majority of people on the streets in India, which is a rarity back home in Europe “. He carried this positive message with him. His observation however, cranked up a thought process in my mind.

Why are we so happy?

We do not mind enjoying a cricket match, where the organizers sell 25,000 tickets in general stands, while humanely only 15,000 spectators can be accommodated! Cramped like sheep, still we enjoy the game and flock the stadiums.

We pay our hard earned money in the name of entertainment (read- films) to be treated with a third rate copy of a hit film made in other language! Old actors and producers

Promote their young generation with or without talent and we pamper them like our own!

Absolutely no civic infrastructure for masses, which are real backbone of our economy. There is no decent low income housing, sanitation, health care, education, playgrounds and still we can smile!

The political class makes mockery of our democratic system by fielding hardcore criminals in elections. We know that we have power to change the government. However,

We get the same set of people at the helm of power centre, as the only option we have to choose the lesser evil!

Print and electronic media leave no stone unturned to frighten us with gory images of

Terror activities, accidents, underworld and planted stories by vested interests, which even crosses the boundary of “yellow journalism”. To balance these horrors, they dish out horoscope, tarot cards, Page3 and living of rich and famous. We are happy looking at

Luxuries of some of our lucky countrymen!

Is happiness inversely proportional to development? Can we have the development index to go up without affecting happiness quotient of the people?
