The Siege
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The Siege


           The face
           by a stroke of accident
           intruding through my retina
            (trunslucent with age)
            laid a siege
            on my entire self.                       
            The outermost fringe   
             of the innermost plasma
              Disarmed ruthlessly of all 
               hoary inhibitions
               my arms
                (hungry through the aeons)
                 crush the air
                  in the spilling of
                  joyful embrace.
                   Alas --
                    the magnificent shapes
                    melt reluctantly into tormenting curls
                    rising out of a cualdron of
                     mingled soup.
                     Till then I din't know
                     it's the only face
                     the very essence of my whole being 
                      craving for 
                      since ages.
4th Aug.1990 