Is It An Instance Of Mind Over Body?
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Is it an Instance of Mind over Body?

For quite a few years I am suffering from hearing loss. I cannot make out anything of normal conversations between people in a room. TV news appear meaningless blabbers to me. So, I use a small hearing aid to be worn behind the ear. A few months back I was on way to visit a doctor. I kept the instrument in my pocket lest it may fall down on the way. At the doctor’s chamber I reached my hand in the pocket to fish out the instrumet, to enable me to listen to doctor’s advice. And to my consternation found it missing.

It was a big blow to me. It cost about Rs. 20,000/- still, being on the lower side of price ladder. There are costlier ones exceeding one lakh price tag. For me twenty thousand is a fortune, which I can ill afford to part with on frequent basis --  this being the second incident of such occurrence. I survive on pension and I don’t have hoard of black money. I agree I should have been more cautious usually. And now I vow – borrowing a pet phrase from daily news – to beef up my vigilance. Suppose, if I lose it again in spite of it? What is the way out?

I pondered awhile and took a stern decision: I have to pull on without it. Absurd, should one say? Audiologists warn of worsening peril for not using it regularly. It sure will impair my hearing ability further, they say. But I stuck to my decision.  

I kept my ear on high alert to pick any sound coming from all around; specially from the mouths of people I have to interact with. While at home, not doing anything, I will sit quietly in a perfect relaxed mode and concentrate to ferret out the meanings out of the noise people are emanating within my hearing reach. Before going to bed I will close my eyes and chant mentally that I can hear well -- rather very well, and imagine that I am actually experiencing it. Gradually, a marked improvement in my hearing capability is noticed. Now, discussion in a room with a group of people is not a problem. TV news does not seem to be obscure hullaballoo. It is not exactly normal though – the word ‘Day’ sounds like ‘Jay’ and there are a few more wobbly distortions -- but there is a remarkable change for the better. Day-to-day transaction is no more a serious problem. New hearing aid, bought afresh, is lying unused.

I am not a researcher, not engaged in study of the mind-body connection. As a layman I find a close nexus between the two from this personal exposure, albeit by accident: mind can influence the physiological function of the body, and probably vice versa. I am startled to find its seeming potentiality.

This prompts me to suggest -- self-styled though -- one should devote particular attention to this factor. It may particularly be applicable to the ageing people. Though ageing process cannot be reversed, there is hope and scope that it may be slowed down; rapidity of degeneration can be minimized, and the severity be limited. And, it is easy to boot. I expect to have further amelioration in the future. This is an inherent resource we are endowed with, but never put it to use, due to lack of awareness. Why not be aware of and use it now? 

Is it not a good food for thought for you and everyone?


Monday, October 17, 2011

