Watch Your Thoughts!
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Watch your thoughts!


Disidentifying from thought

After a few years of meditation, you must be able to watch your thoughts. And if you can, there’s reason to celebrate. Many times we are not aware of our thoughts, and hence our actions come out unawarely. But when we are aware of our thoughts, then we can put proper control on our actions.

Many religions decry and punish those who even think bad, but that is not correct. If you get a suicidal thought and don’t act on it, then it is not a crime. You can’t expect to have a thoughtless state every time. Sometimes, when the thoughts get awry and haywire, we should just be aware of them and let them pass.

As we age, we start getting worse thoughts, and if we were to act on such thoughts, there would be mayhem. A better strategy is to be aware of thoughts and let them pass and act only on those that are of consequence.

Worse off are those who act impulsively, at the immediate drop of a thought. For a seasoned practitioner, this is absurd, and should be curbed. These are the beings who are not evolved and are not aware of their thoughts, in Hinduism, they are considered lowly beings. These people just act rashly, in the heat of the moment and get carried away by their thoughts.

The idea is to turn your negative thoughts into positive ones and that can be done consciously, provided you are aware of your thoughts. The best state after meditation is that of thoughtlessness, but that is not in the purview of normal beings. So think, watch your thought, and act only if it’s worth it!
