To Take Wise Decision- Set Clear Priorities
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To take wise Decision- Set clear priorities

Asst Mgr Employee Relations

Our life is totally based upon the decisions that we take every time. Our decisions play a major role in our life and our present decisions decides our future. Hence it is very important that we make a right decision. According to me if we set our priorities clear then we can take our decisions wisely. Many of our life’s decisions become much easier to make, when we use a concrete list of priorities as a decision making tool. Most of the problems we create for ourselves are a result of being unable to resolve a conflict between two or more priorities or allowing lower priority things to take over our life. Though we get options but could not decide which one to opt for as we are not clear with our priorities and what we want, and this might end up in taking wrong decisions. Many a times, we consult many people to resolve our issues and take their views as what should be done. Though it is good to take other’s advice as it will give us different aspects too from their view point. Different people will give different advices and different ways to solve a problem, but finally its we who has to decide and this we can do if we have priorities properly set.

But to have a list of priorities in life one should know what he/she wants in life. So if we are sure about what we want from our own life, then we can have our priorities according to that. To some extent, priorities are personal and dependent on each person’s life and value system. Fundamentally, though, there are a number of general priorities that every person should have in their life and each person should arrange these basic priorities in the same order of importance. This will help in taking the basic decisions in day to day life. The people who have trouble making decisions or make poor choices in life are people who do not have a good set of priorities, or violate them.

To set priorities we need to spend little time with ourselves and find out what we want and what our priorities in our life are. May be writing down in a piece of paper can help out. Some examples would be close family relationships, personal growth, health and well-being, meaningful work, long term friendships, creative pursuits, travel and adventure, financial freedom, beautiful home environment, recreation and fun. Choose five of the most significant of these items, and list them in order of what's most important to us. Then, next to each item, put a number on a scale of zero to five that represents the priority we have given this item in the past three months, with zero being no attention at all, and five being full attention. This will be an exercise for us too to find out what is more important to us as many of us could not decide what is important.

So lets spend some time and help ourselves to create priorities in life which will help us in taking our decisions correctly and wisely.