Life As It Is - Accept It
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Life as it is - accept it

Assistant General Manager
We people aspire to acquire wealth, own a house and sometimes are desperate that we can not take these away with us when we pass away. Sometimes we loose are heart.

But what is there is there to take away. We are just a part of this materialistic world only, formed of the pancha tatwas aakash, vayu, agni, jal etc. When we die, due to stoppage of this inhale and exhale process, also finally what remains is the body which itself consists of remains of all those intakes of food we took during our life time. Ultimately if our inlaws bury us, gradually this body disintegrates and mixes with this worldly matter. If it is burnt, than it mixes in the air. Either way, the amount of worldly matter, which we contained with us during our life time, decorated it with nice dresses, scented it with perfumes ultimately again gets mixed in the worldly matter only.
So the end result is that nothing goes out of this world only. So when nothing goes out of this world, than what is there to take away/ who will take it, when no body can escape this world even on death.

So, what I understand that in stead of spending one's life on accumulating wealth, why not live your life fully. In this aspect, I think animals are more intelligent than mankind. They do not think of rebirth, they do not in deperation search for God, they do not accumuate wealth like us for their future generation. They just live the life as it is.

When we understand this real truth, we can enjoy the life much better. Because than we will have no fear of death/ passing away.
