Mind - The Wonderful Software..Use It..
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Mind - the wonderful software..use it..

research student

Mind is an amazing tool which can make you anything or get you anything like the softwares nowadays.So many of them so wonderfully accomplishing so many tasks on so many platforms giving rise to chain of child processes.

One fine day mind conceives a cute dream in it and when the gestation period is over dream turns out to be a wish or an urge or a goal or a mission or whatever name you can call it by.It differs from person to person depending on its compatibility with the hardware facts viz.

1) ability of the body ito execute it(like any operating system compatibility for a s/w)

2)Economic feasibility

3)Social and cultural acceptance(something to do with client satisfaction)

4)Support from many(something like multi platform compatibility with slight modification or as it is)etc etc.

If any of the factors is not satisfied then the hardware will be crushed away or will be made nonfunctional forever.So its better for a person to be aware of his/her physical,economical,social requirements before the conversion of a thought into the highest form of wish i.e goal of life.But it does never mean that a goal should be set down because of hardware incompatibility it just means you should know the requirement of the goal and accordingly modify the required factors and work in the other direction.Just like modification or upgradation in the hardware in order to run the software.

The impotent or the barren is the one who is deprived of the capacity to conceive a thought or a dream.He or she without a dream for life is just a nonfunctional hardware.Most of the technology was just the fiction or an imagined story few decades or centuries back.

“Be imaginative;Be productive.”Imagine India to be a developed country and then may be we will get the ideas to fill the flaws.
