Home Again....
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Home again....

research student
My entry in Goa was little more sudden and faster than I had thought.Just with two bags alone I came trusting a girl's word who told me that she can share her flat with me if I come very next day.It happened.Sudden twists in her life made me to look for another accomodation within two months.After shifting 4 accomodations in three months time for whatever reason it is I have realized whatever I strongly believed viz. "Life is not a synonym for compromise".

I don't know how many of us believe that life has to be lived everyday.But most of us live as if we never die and die as if we never lived.This concept is from some book that I don't remember the name.But I feel thats how we live.At the end of the day we sigh for our compromises.I know that we need to compromise with few things but not against what the heart says.If whole world calls you stupid you can clearify self to the self but when the self feels pity and stupid of the self I think there is a danger if it is not corrected.

A concept from Paulo Coelo's story 'World is large enough to enclose us and small enough to be enclosed within'.We forget the world within and live for the world outside only and lose balance and question and doubt ourselves if we have lived upto our expectations.But when we live keeping the balance of outer and inner worlds we will be more contented than ever.

I could have of course adjusted with the second group I shared the flat with but they were different and good in their own ways.So I didn't find a meaning in compromising for any reason.And when I told the same about our mismatch of attitudes towards life they gave a smiling send off which otherwise would have been a big problem.Most of the times its better to reveal to get relieved from the problems because problems are within us and the reason and solutions too.So only if we feel like compromising we should otherwise its better to reveal and get relieved.Friends now after finding contentments in the decisions that I took according to my heart's wish I strongly feel 'Life is a synonym for living and not for compromise'.

Now after my shifting to the present accomodation with Linda,Belinda and Brian I feel I am at home again.And as long as humanity and love for fellow beings exist home for everyone exists.Otherwise all of us have to compromise in the hell.The doggy Tutu which comes and licks my feet if I get up and walk out of my room at 1:00 in the morning(which is night also) fills my heart and I feel I cannot be alone as long as a single creature on the earth shares this pure love with me exists.On the other hand Brian's bravery quotes 'Jo darr gaya wo marr gaya' etc when I say don't dive from too much height into the swimming pool gives me some message though I feel he is overconfident.Sudden silence and sudden talks of Belinda,Linda's care for her guest etc are now making life once again cheerful and home again.So true is the statement 'Home is a place where you have to go and they take you in'.

Good night before I leave to my temporary home.
