Little Bengal...
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Little Bengal...

Hands on Software Engineer
"Chai garam..." the two words entered my ears... suddenly all the co-passengers became alert... it was a cold winter morning... and i was travelling by a short distance train on the way to my hometown...

having studied in Kolkata, the train between Kolkata and Purulia became almost like my second home...and every time i traveled by these trains, it gave me a sense of joy and belonging...while sipping the hot tea in the clay-cup, i felt like going back in the time machine...

i have not traveled a lot...may be my point of view is incorrect...however i must say to know the actual Bengal, one has to travel by local trains and short distance trains in Bengal...It portrays the true picture of Bengal...starting from the Chaiwalas (the tea vendors) and the Jhalmuriwalas to the Cobblers and the Baul artists - all of them are a part of this picture ...The cucumber vendors, the hawkers, the magazine vendors, the students, the daily office goers are an integral part of this little Bengal... I have traveled by train in Singapore, Japan and USA... Everywhere it gave me a different feelings and i wondered about the smooth ride and the perfect timings... however, the journey on a local train in Bengal is altogether different...its not because of a smooth ride... its because of the people who ride the train...its not plastic...its very lively...of course one has to open up his mind to enjoy this may bump into a long lost friend and shout "Bondhu ki khabor bol... kotodin dakha hoyni..." the compartments may lack air-conditioned facilities and the compartment windows may not be sound proof... but one has to look outside the window to feel the gusty air and the lush green...thats the true Bengal, indeed...