The Romance That Is Called Load Shedding
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The Romance that is called Load shedding

Hands on Software Engineer
It was around 8'o clock of a starry evening of the spring...the Bangalore evening gradually started getting warmer...the moon on top of the head was in full shine...however, it looked dull in the blazing halogen streetlights...suddenly there was a total black was a normal load shedding...i came out from my apartment and looked above...suddenly i realized the moon looked even brighter...i realized that there is a romance hidden in every load wife called me inside and lit a candle... and the atmosphere suddenly became ideal for romance ... looking at the full moon evening through the eucalyptus trees outside my apartment window, i thought had there been no load shedding we would not have realized the romance of a full moon evening...

Power cuts or black outs or load shedding as it is commonly known in India is quite a common phenomenon in Indian cities, towns and villages...Even in the late 70's and early 80's one designer style of shirts and trousers came to win the Indian youths which used to be called load shedding shirts and trousers... However my experience about load shedding in my first major job interview was not soothing...i was grilled about half an hour about the cause, effect and remedy of load shedding in that interview - from a technical point of view, of course... had i been in my present state of mind, i would probably have asked that interviewer if he knew the "Romance" behind the "load shedding"...
