Manage Stress Through Awareness And Change In Attitude
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Manage stress through awareness and change in attitude

Who in this world of today is not stressed? Yet stress is not something that can be wished away or washed away with some pill. Yet, stress in the corporate world is so pronounces that there are corporate trainers who teach corporate personnel to manage stress.


 I firmly believe that although stress management training could bring about awareness in the stressed person about the stress and why it happens, it is just not enough to bring down stress levels. Since, at the end of the day, the stressed person has to understand that he alone is responsible for this stress.  Even the best among the many stress management programs that are available cannot make you relax if you do not actually take the step in that direction.


Modern life style, growing competitiveness and the total bent towards all things material has brought about this stress and only by making drastic changes in our life style and our attitude towards our own expectations of life can take us on a path towards a stress-free life and not some stress management training. All that one gets from these stress management programs is a palliative treatment and not the real answer to the problem.


Stress management training is now part of corporate training that is conducted by the HR department of large companies. It is ironical that the source of stress for its employees tries to alleviate the suffering through these so-called stress management training.


My suggestion to the growing number of stressed out people including my dear friend, is to contemplate and find the real reason for this problem and then remove the cause from the root. Only when this is impossible should lessons in coping with stress through stress management programs.
