DAY 1314 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 1314 Amitabh Bachchan Blog




Purity of the heart, purity of the mind and purity of thought, seldom receive the purity of acceptance. The converse ironically, has always through time, been welcomed. There is, in those, a very dismantled attitude of uncertainty and ill will. And nothing in the world can make one alter its course !

Caught in such a vortex, those that embrace what is rightfully right, remain wiser and quieter. Wisdom and class can never be achieved through a sale in a grocery store. Its comes from the acumen of those that have lived and loved and struggled and suffered.

If one shall entertain evil, hatred and the negative, one can only consume nothing else but that. Blinkered from all the rest, all the good, all the temperately beautiful, you become a cynic and a never ending, stretched and labored rope that, even though its destruction may not be imminent, does wither away from its frequent coils and recoils.

Many would argue that enshrined in that twisted rope would be the essence of conduct and life. It is never so, and perhaps rightly. But do we not all know that left to its own, twisted rope can soon undulate to its form in its originality. ‘Left to its own’ is what attention needs to be drawn to. Unwind a cable relentlessly and it takes on another shape or convulsion that enhances another coiled disaster.

Animals coil up before an attack, humans do in adverse situations or just before they strike. But once done, the unwind is palpable. In a complex mind, in its obstinacy, we may never be in possession of a situation where we get wound up and then unwind !! And there to me lies the tale. It would be a grave tragedy if we did not realize and succumb to the fact that, complexities within exist. Problem is there is never an acceptance to it. That is the biggest complexity. We lose the vision and the perspective of introspection. Our own voices shall relate to an obstacle if we shall generously allow it to. If indeed not, then there is serious trouble being charted out. For many it acquires the shape of an affront to their existence. But really .. do they think that human existence is so fragile and impregnable that it shall never be in possession of its basics when asked ? I think not !

I must pray that this sense prevails …


The doctors now advise me against late nights and exertion. But connecting to family can never be termed as an exertion. In fact it has always been a relief. A fountain of peace and fresh water at the end of a saharaisc intense day.

I dwell far too much. It is not within me to be so, and so I retire among books and sheets and pillows and the horrid news of, and many shall not like what follows, cats attacking hospitals in central Mumbai and causing serious illnesses through the scratches of their paws ! Cat lovers … not my doing .. read it today front page in the local Tabloid !!!


Good night and may you all sleep well, cats and all ….

Amitabh Bachchan
