DAY 1328 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 1328 Amitabh Bachchan Blog



Let not the hour of the night or the call of an early morning here on our home, distract you from the meaning of our presence. We live and breath an existence which has been constructed to give to share to love and perhaps to have permanence with. Devising means to be away and distant from such, shall not be able to destroy us. But it shall, crease the horizon with its uncalled for presence. Horizons invite ambition, peaks, destination and the fulfillment of ones passion. A strain here and there enlarges upon us the onus of perfection. We will strive and endeavor to get there, but to find it stained would stain us as well. Clean the path then, wipe out the mist of construction left overs, wash it down with compassion and belief, that this is what was desired and this is how it shall remain – free, fair and friendly !!
 In a profession such as the one I find myself in, there must come a time, when people would define to me who I was to myself. It is a perception which at times allows us the liberty to fall to its belief. This may not always be liked and could be the first signs of getting lost within oneself. It would be prudent then to take a good look and conclude that one would rather be myself in direct terms, than some construct of the outside world.
Good night dear ones … I have lost again the content of a much longer post .. I think bigadda shuts out the lights as the cleaners come in at this hour !!!
Amitabh Bachchan