DAY 544 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 544 Amitabh Bachchan Blog

The last guests have just left. A few closer friends have now gathered around in a huddle and sit and chat. It has been a late night again and knowing the anxiety that FmXt expresses when the post does not appear at the appointed hour I rush upstairs to bed to pen a few thoughts before the early morning birds start singing lullabies.

During the night of Diwali there has always been an open house. Anyone is welcome. To enter and take part in the traditional rounds of Flush, eat dinner, have their favorite drink and just mingle with the others that come in. Its a moment. There are friends that we have not met in ages, relatives that have dropped by and colleagues from the Industry who even though have their individual commitments always drop by to spend time with us.

Earlier in the evening we had gathered together at Prateeksha for the ‘pooja’ before the lights are lit. A prayer to Lakshmi and the God’s for prosperity and love, by the family. A short meditation of the days gone by and those about to come. A reading of the ‘Ramayana’, marked specially by my Father and then the ‘diya’ from the prayer is taken to the family temple and all the lights come on. All the houses light up at once, decorated by special lighting along the borders and the perimeters of the house. The trees are done up specially with light bulbs and china lanterns in orange. They look pretty. Even the ones surrounding the close proximity of the house from the outside are done up in similar fashion. It feels good when passers by call and tell us how beautiful it all looks.

Prayer over sweets and bonuses will be arranged. Every employee gets some new clothing and a months bonus. They all seem happy and very content. It is a joy to give. It is only when you give you shall receive.

The guests troop in one by one and start feeling at home - settling down to existing, action on the floor. Flush or TeenPatti groups are formed and the games begin. I play and lose. Its just a game, I console myself and mingle with the rest.

I am but too exhausted to continue any further. And retire. But this is not the end of the matter. I shall return and fulfill all that is desired of me, or else …

Till then my dears,

Amitabh Bachchan
