DAY 828 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 828 Amitabh Bachchan Blog

Before all else, I am most distressed to read Dorothy Magen’s comment on the blog and am saddened that she should be in such condition. She has been a constant in our midst, the eldest and the most wise. I am unable to express what courage and strength it must have taken her to put down what she did on the blog. I believe if the entire extended family prayed for her there could be a healing. Can we spend a few minutes for the recovery of our fellow member in distress ??

Dorothy, I want you to know that you are not alone in this struggle. That there is an entire family of friends and well wishers by your side, praying for your health and wellness. May our prayers bring you good health and happiness and may we never have to read what you wrote yesterday.

Our prayers are with you. Remain calm and strong ! All our love and prayer is directed towards you.

While all the rest of the family spends time together here in Rome where Aishwarya is at work, our dearest daughter Shweta has walked the ramp as designer Abu-Sandeep’s show stopper to tumultuous applause and attention in Delhi. Even if she is my daughter I have to say that she is looking stunning in the pictures that have come up on the net.

Viraat Badhwar from Karnal near Delhi has just won the Junior World Golf Championships in the US. An amazing feat from so young a person and from India. We need to applaud him and to express our gratitude to him for bringing India with glory, on an International forum. The forum of the Vog.

And now eventually to KBC and its first look -

Here it is in all its glory. .


Again sleep overtakes me and I wish to end today in complete fairness and solidarity with Dorothy and later with all you family.

Pray for Dorothy Madgen as though your own life depended on it.

My love to all you wonderful people  ..

Amitabh Bachchan
