DAY 836 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 836 Amitabh Bachchan Blog

जीवन चलने का नाम , चलते रहें सुबह शाम !

प्रिय बंधुओं , परिवार विशिष्ट के सभी सदस्य ,
मेरी शुभकामनाएं स्वीकार करें , और साथ साथ मेरा प्यार भी .
कुछ घंटों के लिए मैं आप सब लोगों से दूर होने वाला हूँ , क्यूंकि अब सफ़र आरम्भ हो रहा है , और कंप्यूटर की सुविधा प्राप्त नहीं होगी .
आप सब खुश रहें स्वस्थ रहें यही हमारी कमाना है .
शीग्र ही आप सब से फिर भेट होगी . तब तक के लिए आज्ञां . नमस्कार !!

I write early because travel beckons me ! Life moves on and once in motion, continues to .
Time to wind up from another location and return to the roots and the commitments and the pending works for the coming days. Time to face reality.

It has been restful and rewarding and exciting being among you and bringing you along to where you were among me. May it continue to be so.

Finalizing projects is perhaps one of the most important and difficult tasks for all. For me it is perhaps more so because of various inabilities that I possess of indecision. One cannot change that overnight but yes, one has to contend with it. Our lives we know will always be that one big roller coaster ride of uncertainties, so might as well get on to it, throw up our hands in the air, scream with the excitement of steep thrusts down the roller and grab on to whatever we can as we run uphill, gasping finally when it all comes to a sudden but satisfying stop !

May all our rides be such that we enjoy its exuberance but never face any of the physical challenges that life puts us through. And certainly not the one in that Magic Mountain, where in the dark we never know which way we are going to turn or dive. Horrid experience ! Went once and now never again !!

Remain well, all !
My love as always -

Amitabh Bachchan