DAY 1453 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 1453 Amitabh Bachchan Blog





The morning dawns alarming bells, to struggle out, in splashing face

Be on with notes and writing color, drive out to then without a trace,

Of waiting men and chasing cars, towards bilingual screen to grace

Voices above the normal spoken, in comfort in silence and in place …


Back then to house of celebration, wonder and orange in bottled capacity

To mark to outline to avail technology, in time in time to near facility .

Despite the hospitality of care, incessant following, audacious audacity

Respite respect of personal medicinal, none at all – a righteous pity !


Images black and white tunnelled sphere, warming contrasts through needled gear

Pumping injectable bursting vein, immediate swelling bringing concerned fear.

Bandaged crepe to keep it down, too many cooks that stand and lear

Hushed discussions upon screen and screen, manual conclusions perhaps to hear.


Restrictions now imposed upon, there is some frown some lists abound,

The many airborne waves do speak, to ask on flight or run aground.

Silence is that silence does, where to and from and where they hound,

Too many asked, too many to give, how many upped and what that was found.


Brightest yellow, red blue on green, a venue visited in college teen ,

Attraction grows since ordered stationary, what next, what new, what is has been.

Why this departure from volume and length, why matching words without a sheen,

It is my choice, my will regard, keen lean mean to ever wean ….


Amitabh Bachchan
