DAY 307 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 307 Amitabh Bachchan Blog

All right !! All right !! I see the frowns on the faces.. 1:26 am and Prateeksha ?? But the guy was shooting in Hyderabad in the morning. How come he’s…
Ya right..Hyderabad in the morning, up early and bright to face more beard and wig and then be struggling on a hospital bed.. in the scene, dearies.. in the scene.. ripping off tubes and wires stuck all over the body, trying to get out of the hospital despite the heavy hand of the nurses and doctors that pin me down. Scene over, rush to remove the fungus on chin and drive to airport to catch the plane to Mumbai..
A quick private visit.. and back to the grind tomorrow morning in Hyderabad. Evenings will be spent in make up tests for ‘PA’.. yes… Los Angeles is back with some stuff that they had struggled to make in the two attempts earlier and now wish to give it a final shape. Work begins by the 2nd of March.

From heavy fungus on face to heavy mask on face. Sometimes because the duration of the face change is vast, it is reassuring to see your own by the end of the day in the mirror. Do we ever forget what the real me is.. well not until we get to reflection in a reflector.. such an ego centric object.
In the solitude of your bathroom, alone and without cover, it is the most humbling experience to be watching yourself in your reality, in the way we were and in the way we were brought to this world, and the way we shall return. Those that possess the luxury of a bathroom will appreciate more what is being expressed.
It is being alone with one’s body and in time with our soul. No one can see you. You talk to yourself, you gesticulate, assess angles and features, confront your reality and contend with it.
That extra grey in the hair, the growing crow feet around the eye, the bulges around the waist and the fake attempts to breathe in to smooth them out.. momentarily of course. In the midst of your personal hygiene, that idea or thought that needs to be remembered, work that needs to be attended to, a response or a chore… all quickly brought to book.
They say some of the best ideas come under the shower and by the time the soap has been washed away they disappear too. So what.. a water proof dictaphone ?? Bloody unlikely mate !!
At this age, it is wise to attend to thought word and deed immediately. Age does not allow us the luxury of immense memory. It disappears from within the brain as suddenly as it comes on. So write it down, scribble, inform assistance, put it on memory in the computer and now with excessive space on the chip, on the mobile.
Life is becoming more and more obsessed with speed and multiple ideas needing undivided attention. They want solutions and its execution at twice the speed of the previous action. Chips they say are working at 20% of the speed of the brain, but soon, they shall work at the speed of the brain and, it may not be too premature to observe, that in time they would be working even faster.
How would the world look and behave when that happens ? If it happens !

I can tell you now what is happening to mine.. It is seriously desiring that I get off this blog and allow it to catch some rejuvenating rest in order for it to be functional at the break of dawn..

Good night dearest ones.. it is rather late.. a few hours and it will back on a plane to Hyderabad..

Amitabh Bachchan
