DAY 833 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 833 Amitabh Bachchan Blog

मेरी हृदय की साँसों का आधार , मेरे प्रिय परिवार के सम्बन्धी ….. नमस्कार, आदाब , सलाम वाले kum, सतश्री अकाल . अभी एक दुर्घटना हो गयी . हिंदी में बहुत कुछ लिख डाला था , और अचानक गलत बटन दब गया और सब , नदारत !! सोचा कुछ संकेत है ये , और शायद दुबारा नहीं लिखना चाहिए . लेकिन रहा नहीं गया , और एक छोटा सा प्रयत्न फिर कर रहा हूँ . इश्वर करे ये तो चला जाये आप सब तक !! हिंदी फॉण्ट को बड़ा करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ . पता नहीं ये साइज़ आप सब को भाता है या नहीं ? मेरा प्यार अपार , आप सब के लिए … Meetings over in the early part of the morning and a decision to perhaps rest a while in order to make up for the exertion toll connected with such outings. Took a nap after booking on the net for tickets to a film -’Inception’ at the Odeon at Leicester Square. 8:15 PM Nap took a toll on me and overslept. Up at 6:30 and took time to get organised when at 6 :57 PM realised it was actually 7:57 PM ! Jesus ! that is another 17mins for the film to start ! Quick wash of the face, running comb through hair or what is left of it, into waiting car and security, and please can we catch we catch the time. Yes of course assures driver. In through lanes unknown, streets within streets, shortcuts, no speed, watching the pedestrians and viola ! Leicester Square the far side. Quick out, quick steps, right after the ice cream stores and wham! right into thousands of revelers on a Saturday evening. Bobbing ducking parting through summer clad young and happy people into first obstacle -mile long cues. Don’t know which one to stand at, oh need to get my e ticket from a separate locale, alright where ? Ah there, thank you … but another mile long .. ya .. ok its moving .. come on come on 2 mins for start of film .. hurry please .. ok in front of machine .. now what.. read instructions, ok press some typed instructions, insert credit card, where oh there , right wait its saying something .. waiting waiting.. cum on, cum on .. aahhh .. tickets coming out, pull your cc out and goodness, thank you lord for technology that works .. Oh my God ! Amitabh Bachchan, Amitabh Bachchan !!! Oh my .. can I please have a photograph .. please … please .. Excuse me ..errmmm in a bit of a rush, need to get inside .. just one photograph ! please ! ok come by the cue .. standing now in a long line that is going in with tickets .. more and more collecting along for autographs and photographs.. Brits muttering and looking around, what who is this, fans screaming into the cue, embarrassing, wishing line would move faster, ok it moves ,,,, come on girls hurry up with the snaps .. no no you are pressing the wrong button.. maam your’e holding the camera the wrong way ! alright thank you .. INSIDE ! running on, security getting nervous, getting polite .. ok ladies you will have to step back please ! Thank you ! which way .. to the right down the corridor.. lights dimming.. gosh how do I search for G30-31 ,… ah lovely usher with torch guides us on.. into the seats finally .. security off to get some water and pop corn.. sweet sour ? oh anything its about to start !! Oh excuse me , need to get up to give way to seats beyond me.. people at the back expressing resentment on late arrivals - not us , them that we had to stand for !! Curtains ! silence, pop corn and water in hand, anticipation, the darkened hall, the thrill of being in a theatre .. hey thats what we do for a living.. now on the other side and loving the experience. Some adds., some exciting trailers, further darkness, sound volume going up, wide screen, and with a flourish of the orchestra in dramatic symphony -INCEPTION !! Two hours of uninterrupted film, silence, great effects, great action .. final shot of film and black out ! Film over.. lights up, music playing on credits, trouping out, through more boisterous Leicester Square beer induced crowd .. more vociferous Amitabh Amitabh, chasing, security busy, hand shakes, pat on the back .. you the mans, legend … into car and off !! errrmm .. er.. Sam ( security who sat with me in film, real name undisclosed ) could you tell me what the film was all about !! Laughter !! Into Hotel .. quick bite , on the blog … Good night .. haha ha ha .. may be need to be Incepted again !! Amitabh Bachchan Amitabh Bachchan