DAY 846 Amitabh Bachchan Blog
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DAY 846 Amitabh Bachchan Blog

एक दिन और बीत गया , एक श्याम और गुज़र गयी , और रात के अँधेरे में आप सब की याद खींच लायी  ~

 आप सब ने माँ जी के बारे में वर्णन किया, मुझे बधाई दी , उनकी याद ताज़ा की , इस सब के लिए अनेक धन्यवाद .


कुछ दिन ऐसे भी होते हैं इस उम्र में जब लगता है की जवानी का जोश शरीर में समां गया है . आज का दिन कुछ ऐसा ही था .
वजह क्या थी इसका पता नहीं , पर थी .
कुछ तस्वीरें खींची गयीं, कुश बातें हुईं , और फिर और भी बातें हुईं .
सुबह होती है श्याम होती है , ज़िन्दगी यूँही तमाम होती है .
अपने अंतिम दिनों में माजी अक्सर ऐसा कहा करती थीं . हमें अच्चा नहीं लगता था जब वो ऐसे बोलती थीं . हमें ऐसा लगता था की माँ के साथ और समय बिताना चाहिए , क्यूंकि शायद इसी कमी की वजह से वो ये कह रही हैं . अब कौन जाने !
माँ की बातें जब लिखना आरम्भ करते हैं तो मन करता है की लिखते ही जायें . ये विषय ही कुछ ऐसा है .
बहराल , फिर कभी सही  ~
There was a bounce in the step from the very early hours of the morning - a rarity at my age and circumstance ~
But there it was and it made me feel good.
The day begins with a drive - a drive to the gym. A drive that I look forward to, because I drive myself. Its a joy for me, a moment of great independence and free spirit. The morning hours are less crowded and sparse. The early clouds of the monsoons linger above in dark threatening bursts if deep grey. The RJ of the morning hour on one of the FM stations is just beginning to gulp down his first cup of hot coffee for the day, shifting from the sombre religious mode to the more film centered music. The vendor with the papers of the morning ambles along the wet roads on his bicycle, the carrier at the back loaded with large quantities of the dailies for different clients. Milk booths start getting their shutters down, the odd walker briskly rushes past in morning attire and the various security guards at the bungalows are rubbing their eyes waking up to the morning inspection about to follow from their superiors.
Traffic lights bring in the only colors - red, orange, green, of the early start. And the odd traffic pays no heed to their changing colors. For most of the drivers in this area, red is the signal to drive past the signal !! I look odd being obedient and true to law, as all the others paying scant respect to the traffic lights, spin past the crossings in arrogant indiscipline.
The Tv news bulletins and the sports events occupy most of the sets above each exercise facility as you sweat it out. Then a bit of the breathing by yoga and its done. On the drive back you chase the traffic light offender and pulling the window down question his scant respect to traffic law. He looks as though he has seen a ghost, then smiles and waving his hand in fan appreciation throttles off.
The frustration of failed efforts is not worth the calorie loss on treadmill earlier !
So one quietens down takes a dew breaths and sinks into the issues and problems of the day through piles of documentation, waiting to be dismissed.
Mundane acts deserve mundane results. And within a short spell of such act the body begins to droop and drool over whatever is before the eye. Invariably it is a tax notice, a court order, complaints from adversaries and failed adventures !
Attention is shifted to the ‘Vog’, calls are made, a few minutes are spoken and then back to mr. Mundane !
Soon I know, this will get sizable change. Work on the many subjects that await approval will take me away from the Mr mentioned above, and life will scream for what we did not scream for. Such is … such is …
The shoot for Gujarat Tourism beckons. It will begin by the 16th to Jamnagar and Ahmedabad, Porbandar and Dwarka and some adjoining regions at Gandhigram.
But first, tomorrow will be ‘Robot’/'Endhiran’, Rajnikant and Aishwarya music launch and then …
Who knows  ??
Keep well dearest ones .. those especially in the West.  For, it now makes ridiculous proclamations that all disease based germs are being imported or sent to the Western Hemisphere by India !! Ha ha ha … long live deliberate castigation by strong and powerful lobbies of medicine !!! Swine flu originated in Mexico and the USA then on to the rest of the world, but blame the Indians !!! Ha ha ha !
Why don’t you spell the facts as they are - you are not able to compete with the low cost medical facilities that India provides in your comparison and the loss of jobs due to this in your part of the world troubles you economically and politically !! The West is stung with the reality that this ‘third world country’ fared better than the rest in the recent crisis. How could this have happened ?? They were the best and the powerful and the greatest in the universe !! Haw haw haw    ….
Good night ! With my love and more … mostly more !

Amitabh Bachchan