It Is Time For India To Assert And Protect Its Pride And Possessions
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It is time for India to assert and protect its pride and possessions

Independent Principal Domain Consul...

When I woke up this morning, I was eagerly looking forward to the arrival of my newspaper man to deliver my morning companion.

I wanted to read the story on Sachin – how he made the first ever double in the OD International.

However, I was surprised and shocked to find a story written on ‘M F Husain getting Qatar nationality’ by N.Ram in the first page – normally he does not and that too in the first page.

M F Husain does not require any introduction. He is an Indian. He is the most celebrated Indian artist. His contributions are much sought after in the entire world. He is commercially very successful. Most of us at his ripe age of 95, would hang our boots, retire to the bed and wait for the final moment. He does not belong to our group. He still works on life size canvasses on two important themes – History of Indian civilization and History of Arab civilization.

Well. Some of us may be eager to know where he is now. The saddest part of Mr Husain’s life is that he lives in Dubai now thanks to our crazy politicians and so called self proclaimed guardians of our religion.

Since some of his paintings depicted our Hindu Gods in poor light, they have declared their ‘war’ against him.

It is gathered; more than 900 court cases are pending against him in Indian courts in different parts of the country.

It is a different thought that I have now - why Supreme Court has not taken up itself to call all these cases to itself and pronounce judgment. If Husain is guilty, bring him to the books, punish him and let him languish in the darkest cell for the rest of his life.

Fearing for his life, he has since moved out of the country and is presently and peacefully living in Dubai creating his master pieces.

Very recently he has been honored with Qatar Nationality and N.Ram wrote a touching story on this.

Is this our ‘shining’ India? An India, where a world renowned Indian cannot live peacefully? An India, where celebrities are targeted and hunted upon with a hate campaign? Where people in private concede individual freedom is only on paper? Where an Indian cannot spend his final part and moments of his life?

What is happening India? Wake up. Wake up. Assert yourself to protect your pride and possessions.
